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We provide international cargo transport services in Scandinavia and Baltics.

Our main directions are Sweden and Norwey.

About us

Telvaberg OÜ is Estonian capital based transport company, established in 2000. For nine years we operated only in the Estonian market, and since 2009 we have taken the direction to provide our main services to foreign markets.

Most of the transportation services we provide in Sweden and Norway, to a lesser extent in Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. We provide services for large and small organisations and we can say with honour that the biggest recognition of our activities is when the client wants only our company for transporting their goods. 

The goals we have set, are: mutual sustainable growth between us and our clients, reliability, and leading by example.

As a company, valuing the environment, our means of transportation in the machinery park apply as a minimum to EURO5 norms.

We appreciate highly, long-term, reliable and respectful cooperation partners.

We are proud that we can carry Your Goods on this journey


Telvaberg OÜ


Peterburi tee 46, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia

Phone +372 62 37 761

Reg no.: 10702654

VAT no.: EE100646487


Bank: Swedbank

IBAN code EE402200221015596155


Bank: SEB Bank

IBAN code: EE321010220037433012


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© 2016 Telvaberg OÜ

​© 2016 Telvaberg OÜ

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